Now you can get help faster
with Telemedicine Appointments
Benefits of Telemedicine
Live online connection to our spine care doctors
Learn about, discuss and review treatment options
Computer, tablet and smartphone friendly
No time taken from work to travel for an appointment
No time spent waiting for the doctor in an office
Highest Rated Spine Specialists in NJ & NY at your fingertips
All our physicians are trained in today's most advanced minimally invasive treatments and procedures. Together with his staff, Dr. Kaixuan Liu offers his patients a better option to traditional spine treatments.
How to Connect to our Telemedicine Appointments:
Choose an appointment time
Receive a link from us for the telemedicine platform
Click into the link when it is time for your appointment
Pick the best time for your Telemedicine Appointment
Best time for your Telemedicine Appointment
Patient Information
Mobile* (Please enter North American telephone numbers only)