Facet Joint Syndrome Symptoms and Causes

Facet joint syndrome symptoms are typically not constant; they can occur intermittently, with episodes coming as frequently as a few times a month. Often, The facet joint or the area around it will be tender to the touch. Severe muscle spasms are also a common symptom experienced by many people suffering from the facet joint disease.

It is vital to obtain a have a complete list of all the symptoms a person is experiencing when diagnosing for the syndrome in order to develop an effective facet joint treatment plan.

What Causes Facet Joint Syndrome?

The causes of facet joint syndrome vary from person to person. However, in most cases it is caused by a breakdown or thinning of the cartilage around the facet joint. Degenerative changes in the spine lead to more and more pressure being place on the joints, which leads to the them wearing down and inflammation setting in.

Start practicing good posture and take walks to encourage blood flow while bringing oxygen and nutrients into the spine to help prevent early onset of facet joint disease.

Symptoms of Cervical Facet Syndrome

  • Tenderness and inflammation in the affected joint(s).
  • Loss of flexibility in the cervical spine (neck). Often referred to as "guarding".
  • Increase in pain while flexing the spine while leaning backwards.
  • Pain relief while flexing the spine by bending the neck forward.
  • Pain in the neck that radiates into the shoulder and upper arm.
  • Facet disease pain will rarely be felt radiating into the forearm or down to the fingers.

Symptoms of Lumbar Facet Syndrome

  • Tenderness and inflammation of the affected joint(s).
  • Loss of flexibility in the lumbar spine (lower back).
  • Increase in pain while flexing the spine while leaning backwards.
  • Pain relief while flexing the spine by bending forward.
  • Radiating pain felt in the buttocks and back of the thigh.
  • Facet disease pain will rarely be felt radiating below the knee or into the foot.